The overarching power and baffling mystery of American pop culture have mystified all the nations of the earth. The titanic influence of American movies and musical artists has ensorcelled the world. And when these dazzling, seraphic stars fade from the scene; the whole world goes into mourning. The unfathomable chasm that their mystic passing drills in the hearts of their fans remains there almost indefinitely; but, for some reason or other, the quaint circumstances around the often sudden departure of these extremely talented pop culture stars hardly ever seem to raise any eye brows.
It is rather unfortunate that the fans of these distinguished human beings often so glibly accept the shallow explanations for their very mysterious departure from the shores of earthly life. A closer look at the lives of these dazzling stars of American pop culture reveals a disturbing chain of events-one which demands closer investigation into the individual situations; which, for some reason or other, never seems to get executed.
Circle Crib
The lives of American pop culture's most celebrated stars mirror a jarring mystery: It reflects a disturbing spectacle-a strange stream of events where ordinary people are transmuted overnight into legendary, extraordinary entertainers. These rags to riches societal icons meteorically rise to the top; amass a financial empire; attain phenomenal, unbelievable popularity and fame; then suddenly plunge out of view. This storyline is so familiar, as it has been played out time and time again. Its quaint peculiarity and uncanny frequency are too intriguing, picturesquely suspicious, and eerily disturbing to be dismissed as mere coincidences or trifles. This uncannily similar chain of events reappears far too frequently to be relegated as a mere trifle. The conspicuous frequency of this storyline appears to deliver a strange, yet clear message to the world about American pop culture: wealth and fame often come with the steep price tag of sudden, unexplained doom! It is as if this mysterious trademark of fortune, fame, wealth, and popularity is offered to its risk takers by exotic string pullers from behind the scenes. These dashing, inscrutable wheelers and dealers behind the scenes appear to deliver big time on their promises-and they do so as long as the recipients of those extraordinary gifts understand their part of the deal. In view of the exotic sequence of events observed in the lives of some of America's most distinguished and celebrated stars, it appears as if the gifts and the deals associated with them have a well-defined shelf life, which expires at some prearranged time in the future. And this may explain some of the weird behaviors observed among some of Americaan pop culture's brightest stars.
A brief scan of American pop culture mirrors some extraordinary entertainment legions, which appear to fit the familiar storyline of this socratic article's opening. Well, there was Marilyn Monroe; that eminent, illustrious entertainer; that phenomenal enchantress; that dashing sex goddess. She appeared from the dense thicket of nowhere and took off like a rocket. Her meteoric rise to fame and stardom was especially dramatic in view of the rash of troubles which she had experienced as a child and teenage. This dazzlingly beautiful movie star Marilyn Monroe had a troubled, fatherless childhood. She was a sexually abused young lady who underwent a rash of abortions; and then, suddenly, she rose to the status of the greatest and most beloved actress in the history of motion picture. Such graphic, dramatic contrasts are hardly ever observed in nature. In the process, Marilyn Monroe amassed much wealth; mingled with society's astral circles; achieved worldwide popularity and fame; then suddenly, she slipped through the mystical cracks of life and was gone in a flash. What happened there?
Was the overwhelming impact of all that fame and wealth too much for her, or did the mysterious contract signed with those behind the scenes wheelers and dealers suddenly expire and end the party of her life?
And then, there was the star boy Jimi Hendrix; undoubtedly the greatest guitarist who ever lived, spanning all musical genres. Jimi Hendrix appeared from the boondocks of the blue; and suddenly, he climbed all the way to the top. This extremely gifted, dashingly colorful left-handed guitarist came from nowhere,and almost without any notice or introduction, he dazzled the whole world with his great musical talent. This extraordinarily talented musical icon dominated the world of music, drawing and inspiring huge crowds around the world. His sprawling, worldwide fan base clamored and ached for more of his pert, colorful, electrifying guitar performances. In the process, he made quite a bit of money; and, with more careful handling of things, he could have easily amassed a financial empire from the bountiful harvest of his phenomenal talent with the guitar. And after his appearance in the Woodstock Movie, Jimi Hendrix was just about the most popular and famous artist in the world. But again, the familiar story is the same: Like a fog on a blazing summer morning; in a flash, Jimi Hendrix was gone! The familiar autograph of foul play was just about everywhere in his sudden and very sad demise. Oh the pain of love and war; it is alleged that his girlfriend, working in collusion with mighty and destructive institutions, delivered the lethal dose of water boarding that ended things for Jimi Hendrix. The peculiar circumstances around this departure are still debated in American pop culture today. The facts of this picturesque storyline seem to hint that, though these entertainment legions' sudden exit has strange twists and turns; the underlying explanation that a contract, of some kind, had expired; seems to hold perfectly.
And then, there was Elvis Presley; a man of extreme beauty and talent. His entertainment genius spanned several genres This exceptionally talented entertainer was quite versatile and malleable in the ever-changing swing of things; leaping from music to the silver screen and back to music. And he was able to make these otherwise difficult transitions comparatively smoothly. With a much broader scope of operation and more business savvy than Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley amassed an enviable financial empire relative to his lowly beginnings. He was able to successfully maneuver the ever-shifting wind of fortune; until finally, things began to go downhill for him. The gigs did not come as easily as they did before. In essence, the mysterious contract had run out; and, from a strange fall from his toilet bowl, Elvis Presley began slipping away. And, within a short time, he was gone. He died of a cocktail of ten prescription drugs administered in doses that no doctor in his right mind would prescribe for any human being. The grotesque drug cocktail induced cardiac arrhythmia; and, soon after, he was lost; gone beyond the whirling sea of time. Cruelly shoved through the portal of death by a fatal dose of prescription drugs, Elvis quickly faded from view and slipped into the chasm of the past.
And finally, there was Michael Jackson, a transcendentally talented man. And again, the story is eerily the same. He was a young black man from the ghetto with little or no previous introduction to the musical world's astral circles, and more generally to society; in fact, little Michael was virtually plucked from the soft, plushy innocence of his crib and tossed into the wild scramble of the musical arena. With no prior experience or preparation, Michael Jackson leaped into the fiery ring of musical entertainment and literally took it over. He dominated the world of music for more than forty years. Selling more than seven hundred and fifty million records, a clearly unvanquishable record, Michael Jackson shattered all previous records in record sales! This foudroyant musical icon is in a class all by himself. His phenomenal talent, unprecedented achievement, and incredible fame and popularity around the world enabled him to amass a sprawling financial empire. In the light of all of these beaming accolades and unbreakable records, he is reputedly the greatest musical entertainer ever.
But again, Michael Jackson could not keep it going-he just could not keep it together. His fantastic entertainment machine began to malfunction, as if some mysterious hand of doom began to pull the curtains on him. Somehow or other, his incredible hegemony and absolute dominance of the musical world mysteriously began to wane as if some strange spell or curse was actively at work in his life. It is alleged that occult artists, presumably a disgruntled ex-spouse's dark circle of associates, had delivered the deadly destructive spell that brought down Michael Jackson's glorious entertainment machine. As it turns out, things and people are hardly ever what they seem to be; and sometimes, people associated with dark powers befriend God's innocent angels and bring them down. Whatever the situation might have been, Poor Mikie was not able to reassemble the cogs of his incredible musical entertainment machine. And, as if without warning, things began to go downhill for Michael Jackson quite rapidly. He did recognize that, due to personal conflicts and changing social perception of him; he had lost the edge on things that he once had; and, in a frenzied scramble to recapture his former glory, Michael slipped through the cracks of things; and, in a flash, was gone.
What is particularly interesting here is that both Marilyn Monroe and Michael made titanic efforts to recapture their former glory; and, as if struck down by the hand of some mystical, invisible power from behind the scenes; they were brashly pushed through the door of doom. Close scientific observation of these four American pop icons reveals a picturesque design in the lives of extraordinarily talented entertainers. Whether or not any strange contracts were signed with anyone, for any reason whatsoever; the grotesque pattern of inexplicable rise to stardom, unbelievable amassment of wealth, head-scratching popularity, and sudden disappearance in a fog of strange circumstances has become all too familiar among legendary American pop icons. Close scientific scrutiny reveals that, at least; foul play, of some kind, has been at work in this strange, seemingly endless chain of unexplainable events associated with the exit of American pop culture's brightest and most celebrated stars. However, if the foul play is part of some prearranged contract between rational, negotiating parties; all's fair in love and war: And he who runs with the Huns must hunt with the bears! Whatever the case may be in these obscure pop culture stars' exits, T's are not crossed and I's are not dotted. What is conspicuously noticeable here is that the masses in society have been distracted by false entertainment, and nobody is guarding the gates. There are venal villains who have even more sinister plans on the drawing board for the world's people. They've been working on world government for more than three centuries now, and their dashing blue print is ninety-eight percent finished! You see: The world is not what it appears to be; and the institutions in it have not been established for the goodwill and well-being of the human race, as we have been hoodwinked into believing. The world is run by dashing servants of corruption who worship in the dark caves of night. But you see: all this sounds so negative and bizarre, who would believe such ridiculous comments! But make no mistake about it; while you balk at, and disdain what is being said here; the pert boys of world government are actively planning your future unbeknownst to you. And by the time you wake up and shake yourself, you too will have already slipped through the cracks of things; and, within a flash, will be gone-lost in the churning fog of ambitious men's odious plans.