It really is never too early to celebrate your baby's first birthday with both family, friends, fun and games. In this article we will look at some 1st birthday party ideas that will make it an event to remember.
1. Location
Circle Crib
The best location you could choose for your baby's 1st birthday party is in a place where they feel comfortable and that is familiar to them. A great place would be either at your own home, at a friend or relatives or even a playground that you take your child to frequently. Also provide your guests with plenty of pointers to show them where the party is. You could hang banners and balloons outside your home or around the area in the park where the party is being held.
2. Duration of the Party
It is best if such a party is kept to about 1 to 1 1/2 hours long. Plus plan the party for a time of day when they are usually at their best. Normally a morning party works well for many young children.
3. Invitations
Why not get a photocopy done of your baby's first picture and use it on the front of a folded invitation. Also remember to keep one that you can include in a scrapbook of special events as your baby grows up.
4. Theme for the Party
It does not need to be elaborate. A simple theme using either a shape or a color will do. Or you may decide to go with a favorite Disney character and then base all the decorations and activities you do around this.
5. What Kinds of Games
For children this young, there are not really many games that you could play but instead you could try some of the following.
Read them a favorite story that your baby likes to listen to. It is not so much the book itself that they like as the sounds you make as you read it to them.Ball Rolls - This is a game where you sit the children in a circle with their legs apart and then they roll a large ball to each other. It's a great way of improving a child's hand and eye co-ordination skills.Wagon Rides - Decorate one of your child's pull rides and then let them take turns on it.Free Play Area - Just set up an area in one corner of the house where they can play with blocks, stacking toys, pull toys and other toys that young children and babies like to play with.
Hopefully the 1st birthday party ideas that have been provided above will help make your baby's first birthday a much more memorable event. Finally, one more important tip for those organizing a 1st birthday party is to remember to take lots of pictures of the momentous occasion.